Student Policies
Attendance Policies
The AC&C Center will uphold TPSS attendance policies and expectations; the TPSS Attendance policy is found in the TPSS Student and Parent handbook
In addition, students have college and credential requirements for attendance. Due to these requirements, the Adv C&C will use the following procedure:
Single Block courses (1 absence = 2 days)
3rd day absent
Parent contact
Contact Home-based school team
5th day absent
Parent meeting with home-based school representative and Adv C&C representative
Student Assistance Team meeting with representatives from the Adv C&C and the home-based school team.
- Double Blocked courses (1 absence = 4 days)
2nd day absent (2 absences = 8 days)
Parent Contact
Contact Home-based school team
3rd day absent (3 absences = 12 days)
Parent meeting with home-based school representative and Adv C&C representative
Student Assistance Team meeting with representatives from the Adv C&C, the home-based school team.
Behavior Procedures
The AC&C Center will uphold TPSS behavior policy; the TPSS Behavior policy is found in the TPSS Student and Parent handbook.
Should discipline issues arise while the student is at the Center, the Center teacher will follow the steps outlined in the handbook; any discipline issues are referred to the home-based school disciplinarian.
Arrival, Dismissal, and Transportation
Arrival procedures
Students can either drive to the Center or ride a bus after checking in with their homeschool.
School starts at 8am. Arrive on time and prepared for class.
IDs are required to enter the campus.
Enter the outer doors with your ID on immediately upon arrival.
Report directly to the classroom teacher.
Report directly to bus to return to home campus when the bell rings at 10:40.
Early check-outs and check-ins
- Students will be able to be checked-out and checked-in from the Center. The AC&C Center will uphold TPSS check-out and check-in procedures; the TPSS check-out and check-in procedures are found in the TPSS Student and Parent handbook
Grades and Credentials
- Students will follow the grading scale that applies to their courses. Universities use a 10-point grading scale, for example.
- For many courses, students will earn a high school grade and a college grade. College grades are typically comprised of test and/or essay grades alone. High school grades will also include classwork and project grades.
- Credentials are earned in different ways for each course. Getting a passing grade, taking certification tests, or time spent in class and interning.
Special Education / 504
- Student accommodations are provided at the AC&C just as they are at a student's homeschool. Stakeholders will work together to provide students the assistance needed to provide them with their best possible learning experience.
Emergency Procedures
- The AC&C Center will uphold TPSS emergency procedures (including weather, active shooter, lock-down and illness); the TPSS emergency procedures found in the TPSS Student and Parent handbook